Hey guys, I am Leong Wah.

this blog is a place for me to train my English and mark the life i has covered

A diary for u guys to know me better and have new friends.

Do post a comment after visited ya

Wish you have a sunshine day

PPL TooK a Glimpse =)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

SPM is gone MORE to come

SPM is yesterday story today is another new chapter

yesterday when i walked out the exam hall i felt damn relieved and free-of-stress

it was like i got my freedom back,my mind was flying high in the sky with unstoppable crazy thinking of what to do after exam

i was shouting happily together with Mun Chun and it was the soar of MerdeKa !

frankly chinese esei probably the best paper i answered

i felt satisfied of what i wrote and it must be in the top 10 esei i ever wrote

the esei title is "吃苦" and i meant what i wrote:

no need to shame no need to shy and no need to hide the fact that you are from poor family

as you are working your ass hard to make it better from days to days

that's something to be proud of !

today i went for job interview and i made a mistake

the human resource manager ask me when can i start to work

and immediately "anxiety" attacked me for no reason......my mind went blank

to show my eagerness towards this job i said "tomorrow"

then here it goes, she asked if i got the white shirt, black pants, black shoes which are compulsory

oh yeah i don't have it ! now my mind bring me back to consciousness

so i said next Tuesday as i had to go to school on Monday

eventually the "deal" was done


when i was in the bus i think and i think

i promised to Yong Sheng for outing on Friday and education fair on Thursday and Kelvin Sir for running event on Sunday

Oh my goodness !!!

"i am in trouble !" i shouted loud in heart

then back in home, it was time to solve the messes i created from my careless move

i called YONg SHeng and Kelvin to say sorry for not attending

and now i have to look for somebody to replace me to attend the education fair

wow today is a "WoW" day

i will work hard for my future gambeteh

good luck to all of you !

Friday, November 4, 2011

毕 业

时 间 过 得 真 快, 快 得 有 点 令 我 无 奈, 惆 怅......

刚 刚 看 了 荣 翔 的 文 章 就 想 写 篇 自 己 的 毕 业 感 言.

荣 翔, 你 在 ((在台下鼓掌)) 里 所 提 及 的, 我 都 感 同 身 受.

我 会 后 悔 自 己 没 努 力 付 出, 但 我 也 珍 惜 这 段 懒 散 的 时 期,

因 为 我 从 中 学 会 了, 学 懂 了, 学 精 了.

往 后 的 日 子, 大 家 一 起 努 力 吧!

这 里, 我 祝 所 有 朋 友 将 来 一 帆 风 顺, 生 活 愉 快.

我 一 定 会 想 你 们 的!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Logos Hope

Ok...ok...I know I said I won't have new post till the end of SPM, but...

I really have something to share with you.

Today I went to floating book fair at Swettenham Pier.

When I heard that a ship which will organize a book fair, I was interested !

It was because I had never been on board before, so I said 'Yes' to this trip.

Here is an outlook of it(the ship)

it's a photo taken by KwanHong, a friend of mine. Thanks KwanHong for letting me use this photo without asking for your permission xD

Wow, so many foreigner !

It was my first impression when on board. No wonder I was told that there is a total of 400, yes, it's 400 of volunteers up there!

And, the happiest thing was I got the chance to catch a glimpse on those 'white colour' people. It's not that i treat people according to their skin colours by just that the foreigners gave me a feel of modernness, dynamics and excitement.

But, but, but, because of my own foolery, shyness, I lost the chance to interact with them. So bad...

However I have to say that this was a good experience.

As you support this kind act(by donation or buying goods or volunteer your help), you feel that you done something great, something nice and get to learn from life.

On the ship, there will be a short brief on the cause their support and how the ship functions with volunteers' help at first.

Then you get to look into a wall of photos talking about the history of this great act. How a great idea born.

another photo from my friend, and the next photos I going to share are also from him(graphic supporter of this post, just kidding ) =)

Next, you will walk into a space of about two classrooms which filled by books and books. Oh yeah, about the purchase it is using Logos Hope unit, if i wasn't mistaken 500 Logos Hope unit is RM8.

So get use of yourself to mountains of book =) I sure you will like it as it's consist of books from every corner of world.

There are also caps, notebooks, key chains which got Logos Hope logos.

I was touched and willing to buy some of them but I don't have the changer needed to own those stuffs(money). But never mine, window shopping is a habit we should get on as economic is not encouraging now.

Soon you will get into a story of life. It's like walking in a tunnel with pictures which bring out a positive message(this is the best I could describe as my english is still under probation ).

you might also ask the crewmen to explain the story

Last, you will get into a cafe room which sells refreshments.

There will be some crewmen who pro in magic to entertain you guys.

Last but not least, I hope anyone who read this can go for a visit when the ship, Logos Hope is in your country or as well as the other partner ships, namely Doulos, Logos II, Logos.

For penangites, tomorrow is the last day before it departs for Klang so don't miss your chance !

website of Logos Hope : http://www.omships.org/index.php
thanks you for bring me back hope again

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Make A Wish

Long time didn't air new post, now I am going to make this the last post before SPM.

I didn't really do my best for the past time, but it didn't matter now as the nobody can chase the past. Let the bygone be bygone

I will do my best from now on because it has to be like that, fighting for future.

To affirm my determination, I would like to make wishes, actually is a wish list that I has all the things i wish to come across after SPM. It will be some kind of alarm alerts me if I am getting lazy in the future or lose the will to go on.

So here goes the list:

1. Enroll in SWIMming course, if i wasn't mistaken, it will cost me a total of 150 ringgit from Permata Association(opps i guess i need to save up pocket money to get it----after all, a penny saved is a penny earned =) )

2. I want to go for running everyday. I WANT it !

3. Earned some money and working experience.

4. If environment permits, I would like to learn some new languages.

5. Last but no least, I want to prepare for SAT.

Now, let's start the game ^^

By the way, I wish student who is going to sit for SPM three months later

*before off, i would like to announce that i wasn't pick for the National Service,

too Bad and too GOOD XD

Friday, July 8, 2011









毋庸置疑,我一定会把当下想做的事完成,向说的话讲清,给向见的人一个紧紧的拥抱. 轻语道: 我爱你们!

My fellow friends, don't keep on thinking but refuse to carry out any action.

Get off your ass now and do it or you will regret in the oncoming time !

Saturday, July 2, 2011

An Angel healed me




拿着一本 An Angel Healed Me 快步溜去列放群书的书架上,眼珠几回转,试图找回之间看上的一本书......

呵,看见你了! 一行粉红标题映入眼窗, Slumdog Millionaire 。


拿着这本 Slumdog Millionaire 走去办理借书手续。







拿起上星期借过的书, An Angel Healed Me, 心里很不是滋味。






















继续编写这篇不寻常的小说......嗯,这篇算是( 小说)吧,不如你们给些评价.

终于下定决心拼.是的,我要拼出十一 片蓝天!



An angel healed me

Saturday, June 18, 2011


老 师 沧 桑 脸 孔 转 了 过 来, 数 字, 那 怪 异 的 舞 蹈 停 此 了.
我 的 心 霎 时 间 猛 跳.
身 子 都 卷 进 了 那 恐 惧 的 聚 拢 里,
惊 惊 克 克.
怕 事 的 脑 袋 儿 一 直 垂 低,
眼 睛 瞪 着 行 行 斜 字, 不 敢 闪 烁.

一 抹 哀 伤 擦 拭 眼 角,
试 图 抹 去 那 不 留 人 的 岁 月, 无 奈
数 字, 是 的, 是 那 数 字,
不 停 偷 走 单 纯 的 笑 容.

无 力 顽 强, 唯 有 俯 首 称 臣.

汹 汹 流 水 终 于 缺 堤,
万 丈 迸 冲.

啊, 数 字 淹 盖 了 心 跳!

Monday, June 6, 2011

英 年 早 逝

拿 起 圆 珠 笔, 心 跳 数 百 米

白 拘 飞 过 隙, 不 知 从 何 起

羞 得 把 头 低, 只 想 快 点 离

老 师 要 收 齐, 我 就 看 着 你

还 是 很 美 丽, 却 这 样 早 死

above is a poem i wrote during exam, any comment ? =)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Yesterday i was involved in Chung Ling Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya Camp which themed 携手未来,灿烂明天

i was given the responsibility as one of the game exco

i learned to bear it up and served as well as possible to the people

in between, actually i was quite down when people commented negatively towards our camp organization but i came out conquered the negative thinking

which means, stop thinking that what i had done wrong but figure out what i can do to fix it

in the end i was feeling good for this camp and glad that i joined it

to Sky, you done everything you could, so stop blaming yourself for the pop out troubles during the camp GamBateh !

one of my favorite photo - all of us is Seni Club member and AJK of this camp

Why actually i named this blog post as 'Future' ? This is because i am giving a feedback about the camp yesterday where i learned something treasure and some kind of attitude and skill needed for future as a leader.

Indeed, I'm growing up ! Not just physically but mentally through this camp.

Next, one of my friend in Vietnam, Nhắng Hâm will go to USA to further his learning

i was noticed that his is going to study in Edmonds community college and then central washington university

WoW i was impressed !! i am always looking forward to USA life style

i wonder if i also got the chance to study over there

living oversea and talk with the 'Yang Lau' - foreigner

Nhắng Hâm, although we are not so close and knowing each other well but i sincerely hope that you enjoy yourself at USA at the incoming time,

All The Best ! my friend

a warm wish from Malaysia flying towards Vietnam and next going to USA

Now i have to study hard so that my dream will come true - i want go to USA !

I will set Nhắng Hâm as my role model and chasing my dream whenever it goes

let log this blogger out and log into BOOKS =)

Friday, May 20, 2011


it keeps blowing

blows my thinking away...

life is like a gust of wind

we don't know when it's going to be a strong tornado

we don't know when it's just a little touch of nature

however, we still love the wind =D

keep your spirit up and you will eventually OVERCOME the wind and be the MASTER of it

Saturday, April 30, 2011


i am trying hard but the door is closing

Sunday, April 24, 2011

PIA ? !!!

i bought two essay books, English and B.Malaysia from the past book fair held in school

i am feeling want to pia pia and PIA for SPM now

i don't want to regret when the result is out and i got it all wrong

so that's it, i am PIA-ing now and this will last till the SPM ends

wish me the best and that's all i need

i will show my mettle

oh yeah baby let the battle begins


ohh besides, i want to share a song that caught my heart away

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A brand new day

i had been went through three busy but happy days

on friday i won the 19th place in school annual cross country event

well that's my first victory in that event since five years in chung ling, triumph !

yesterday i had participated in chung ling karate competition

i still got panic when performing Kata but it's alright as it was just a matter of time when i will conquer the fear of facing judges

and...today i went for Round Housese Relay for the first time either

and it was good to see people gathering around for a healthy lifestyle

at the same time i'm enjoying myself very much to be part of something good

nevertheless i still didn't manage to get into people around and communicate well but i will bushing up my skill

now i swear on Buddha,i will stop every bad habits i used to got in past and engage in a totally meaningful life which have both the health and happiness

tomorrow will be a brand new day, a brand new week and a brand new life for me

Friday, April 8, 2011

On your mark, GO

tims has come, leongwah get ready and brave u self "uh ! "

GO !!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

圈 圈

我 一 直 在 徘 徊, 徘 徊 在 没 有 方 向 的 圈 圈 里

我 走 不 出 来, 也 没 有 勇 气 跨 出 圈 子

至 今, 还 在 倒 数 着 那 天 的 来 临

每 次 数 累 了, 就 会 不 小 心 睡 着

结 果 醒 来 后 就 要 哭 着 数 过

每 一 夜 期 盼 隔 天 的 日 出

夕 阳 西 下, 还 在 期 盼

期 盼 有 天 脱 离 圈 圈, 回 到 过 去

今 天 又 再 倒 数 了...

四 十 八 小 时, 三 十 六 小 时...

这 次 的 倒 数, 我 说 好 不 会 打 瞌 睡, 坚 持 到 底

深 怕 连 最 后 一 个 两 年 前 许 下 的 承 诺 也 失 去

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

New Changing Point, an important moment

im facing another changing point in life as i found out my target in life finally.....

to live every moment with no regret

this time let's it be real and wish i can turn into a good student after wastage of years walking in dream

today i went to SMK Perempuan Sri Mutiara to learn smt from others in forum

indeed i gained a lot from this experience =D

i will do my best to work this forum competition out

hope our team can grab the title although im just the backup player xD


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

又 一 年 啦, 新 年 快 樂 =D

time flies, chinese new year is just around the corner

i have stronger feeling in this year and hoping for a bigger change in myself

hope this will be a real changing point in my life toward better future

a song to share


guys, happy Chinese New Year !!!

kiong he kiong he

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

算 了

好 久 沒 寫 博 客了 , 因 為 我 開 始 評 估 回 以 往 所 寫 下的 東 西......

發 现 我 只 是 一 味 兒 地 麻 醉 自 己, 幫 自 己 美 言

曾 經 許 下 若 天 高 的 承 諾 我 沒 做 到

曾 經 拍 胸 膛 實 在 地 答 應 我 違 背 了

我 很 久 沒 嘗 試 過 努 力 的 滋 味 了 , 手 開 始 麻 了, 與 世 界 保 持 着 距 離

也 忘 了 我 最 后 一 次 那 成 功 的 笑 容 , 只 曉 得 牽 強 地 笑, 笑 得 非 常 牽 強

整 個 人 松 懈 了 下 來 ,消 沉 得 再 也 走 不 下 去 了

如 今 只 剩 下 一 張 呆 呆 的 臉, 目 睹 每 一 天 的 日 出 與 日 落

夜 里 盤 算 着 又 會 從 身 邊 流 過 的 光 陰

卻 始 終 拿 不 出 勇 氣 與 坚 強 握 牢 它

趑 趄 不 前, 仍 得 過 且 過

there's always a chance , if u want it, it can be a brand new day to start all over

My Lovely Friends i love u all


Thanks for leading me to light

Thanks for trusting me no doubt

Thanks for caring me with heart


幸福快乐是爱的一部分, 爱是一片海洋
跳入海中,拿出一部分与其他人分享 - 这片海洋是取之不尽的。

他一只手放在她的头上, 另一只手被她紧紧握住,给了她祝福

我以前觉得她正在离我而去, 我认为我失去可她。但是我知道, 这次她是和我在一起




